During the calling and development, in what I term “micro steps” these leader books actually stirred up what some would refer to as “the spirit faith” on myself.
I believe that I encountered both of these books as a junior Bible teacher minister, a young mother, in Central VA. I was just getting ready to be in “charismatic, Bible word of faith, servant leader ministry. And I knew nothing about word of faith, working of miracles and long term ministry. Both of these simple True Books are pure and anointed. NOTE PLEASE that this was prior to TV preacher scandals and mocking TV preachers. It was calm back in these days..And a basic ignorance, of what would eventfully come and what is right now hear,o on the face of the planet.
This Book had a special effect on this ministry. Whenever I read it, something within or “on” this Pat Robertson beginning testimony “ignited’ my faith to giant level. Thus I would it from time to time to be ‘ignited” and “empowered. This was sometimes in the late 1980s, after my children had been born. I understand that how “later’ toward the last of his life Mr. Roberston had very “unusual” visions. This was way before then and this is His. Real Life Prior to founding CBN (“The Christian Broadcasting Company” and prior to the TV Media Scandals, with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, who used to be on his ministry team.